Elusive Muse finds the work of B.A. Lampman to be so intriguing and unique.

B.A. Lampman lives and works in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada. She enjoys painting, collaging, pouring ink across paper, taking photos, singing, reading, blogging about whatever strikes her fancy, and eating cheese. She enjoys high art and low art, fine and commercial. She has recently completed a web design course and can now be found staring for long hours at the computer screen, discovering new ways to build and create.

To learn more about her, see even more of her beautiful work or purchase something, follow any of the links below.

…and now a few words from B.A. Lampman…


Collage began to show up in both my sketchbooks and my paintings while studying at Concordia. At some point after graduation I began to produce simple B&W collage calendars culled from sources like “The World Weekly News”. From there I began to collect illustrated Bible and Fairy Tale books from the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s, and the collages made from these became cards and prints that is ld in stores across Canada.

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My collages tend to have some combination of the following elements: humour, darkness, beauty, ambiguity and /or mystery. I enjoy searching through my source material – reams of scraps, vintage magazines and books that I’ve collected over the years, to find the unique elements that will make up a piece. Working with colour and strong imagery, I pay close attention to detail, composition, and craftsmanship.

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Although I have focused on collage for many years, I always longed to return to the painting. Much to my surprise the painting I find myself doing now is nothing like what I did in art school, but it does fulfil an ancient desire to combine painting with collage. I don’t think I’ve finished mining the possibilities that this combination has presented to me.

BA-yellow-boy BA-War-Horse BA-tiger BA-themonster BA-Spoiled BA-space-girl BA-sad-eye BA-pen-ink-lady-5 BA-pen-ink-lady-4 BA-pen-ink-lady-3 BA-pen-ink-lady-2 BA-pen-ink-lady BA-pen-and-ink-boy BA-LH BA-friend BA-chloe BA-child-bride BA-cat-girl BA-Canada BA-Bessie-Bug-